Les Ateliers Grandis: design and manufacture of luxury clothing The
Today, more than 750 employees in France work in a network with imagination and agility to respond to the effervescence of an ever-changing market.
From the development of a model to the delivery of a finished product, in boutiques around the world, Les Ateliers Grandis adopts solutions that meet the needs of customers.
Les Ateliers Grandis is also a wonderful human adventure; they are women and men who participate with insight and passion in the writing of a beautiful story.
Craftsman Manufacturer of luxury clothing and Service Provider, their only challenge is to enchant customers with a sustainable know-how, an agile organization and scalable services. This challenge is accompanied by a know-how that we express in this way: Passion drives us, the product guides us.
Fashion expertise for women, men and children
Jackets; Coats; Trousers; Dresses; Skirts
Dresses; Blouses; Blouses; Blouses; Tops; Skirts; Pants
Corsetry / Lingerie; Swimwear
– Product development
Model-making / Pattern-making / Standardization / Grading
– The collection teams
Prototypes / Collection Models / Press Models
– The manufacturing workshops
11 workshops / 750 employees / Tailor / Blur
Specific know-how: Leather, corsetry, lingerie and swimwear
– The quality
Control at each manufacturing step
– The customer service
Design/manufacturing coordination
Purchase of raw materials – Logistics Finished products
Based on drawings provided by the studios, our model makers work on the volumes on mannequins to make a canvas, then digitize and computerize the patterns.
Before production commitments are made, the teams of the Design Office validate the patterns and gradations, as well as the technical files and nomenclatures.
Associated with the development of the collections, the Methods department ensures product conformity and economic consistency.
Around the model workshops, they elaborate unit orders (canvases, collection models, press models, and custom-made clothing) as well as very small series.
They work in close collaboration with the design office and have access to all the technological resources present in our various production sites.
During the collection periods, we mobilize complementary skills present in our various manufacturing workshops.
Les Ateliers Grandis now has 11 workshops and more than 750 employees working in a network.
7 workshops specialise in the manufacture of structured clothing, 3 others do most of their work in the fuzzy and 1 is dedicated to lingerie and swimwear.
Our workshops, close to each other, interconnected to a CAPM and a common network, have developed a very strong reactivity to be agile in the face of recurring risks linked to the incessant evolution of fashion.
In addition, to strengthen our production capacities from time to time or to request specific know-how, we have developed a network of subcontractors in France and Europe.
Our clients, the most prestigious fashion houses, have built extraordinary businesses where creativity and quality are the pillars of the building.
Quality is one of the key indicators of the performance of our workshops. It is without compromise that each product is subject to rigorous control at all stages of manufacture before a final verification that validates the shipment.
Purchasing, control, storage of raw materials and supplies
Manufacturing planning
Coordination of subcontracting operations
The use of an information system adapted to our business and networked
Logistics services: storage in secure warehouses and distribution of finished products worldwide.
To preserve, perpetuate, develop, support, encourage and stimulate the pursuit of an industry where the beautiful work makes the reputation of France throughout the world, we have the duty to transmit our craft know-how.
With more than 25 years of experience carefully cultivated, Les Ateliers Grandis has embarked on a vast training program. This strong mobilization aims to preserve and transmit the particularities of the business lines in order to preserve our excellence in an international environment.