Manteco® celebrates 80 years at Première Vision Paris The - Première Vision Paris
Manteco®, a leading Italian company for premium quality textiles and circularity since 1943, this year officially turns 80 and will be present at Première Vision Paris with a special area: the company has set up the “Manteco® Circular Economy Experience”, at Hall 6 Stand B20, where all the visitors will live the circular and low-impact process to create luxury MWool® textiles from post-consumer garments, pre-consumer wool scraps, unsold garments and post-industrial wool waste.
People will actively participate in the “sorting” process, where preloved wool garments are divided per color and composition, then cleaned from non-recyclable elements.
After this interactive process, people will see these materials being turned into precious and colorful MWool® fibers, the next generation of recycled wool by Manteco®, through a mechanical ‘fraying’ process.
These fibers will be then taken by our color specialists, who will create colors without added dyes and chemicals through the Recype® technique (which stands for ‘Recycled Wool Color Recipe’), by weighing and mixing different shades of MWool® fibers in specific percentages.
Manteco® will also present its new and branded low impact virgin wool: ReviWool®; and some new, premium quality collections. “Enzo”, a premium collection of renovated, iconic, melton Manteco® fabrics that feature a super felted and extra-compact look, a signature blurred weave, and a strong, dense handfeel.
And “Noble”, a luxurious and premium collection of wool and cashmere fabrics by Manteco®, to further enrich essential outerwear textiles with a touch of extra-soft, silky and fine recycled cashmere, which is one of the leading, circular specialty fibers.
About Manteco®
Manteco® is an Italian, leading company for premium quality textiles and wool circular economy since 1943. It was first established in 1941 as a small spinning mill by Enzo Anacleto Mantellassi, who started the production of recycled wool yarns, obtained by regenerating old military clothes and blankets. Over the decades, the company has maintained the same, circular DNA and has become a point of reference in the fashion world, thanks to a high level of creativity, research, constant investments, innovative textile solutions and a scientific approach to sustainability.
Today it is still a family-run business and produces 100% in Tuscany, in a specialized, zero-mile, fully traced, transparent and certified supply chain called MSystem: a network of more than 56 partner textile companies (ragmen, recyclers, spinners, warpers, winders, weavers, finishers) that follow the Charter of Supply Chain Commitments drawn up by Manteco® and the highest production standards.
Manteco® is particularly committed to circular fashion, for this reason it has developed numerous projects: a Zero-Waste system to recover all wool industrial waste from production processes, a Sustainable Design philosophy to create durable and recyclable wool textiles, Project43 and Project53 to recycle wool fabrics’ offcuts produced during the garment-making phase, and unsold or second choice wool garments.
But that’s not it, Manteco® has also created its own brands of sustainable wool. MWool®, the next generation of recycled wool, and ReviWool®, the low-impact virgin wool. All of this has led the company to become a Member of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Network and a partner of the Monitor for Circular Fashion by SDA Bocconi.
Manteco® was the first-ever textile company to apply a Life Cycle Assessment on recycled wool fibers, later also published as a scientific article on MDPI Resources, certified according to the international standard EPD® Environmental Product Declaration.
Manteco® est également fortement impliqué dans le domaine de l’éducation avec le projet Manteco Academy, à travers lequel nous nous associons aux meilleures écoles de mode du monde en donnant des conférences sur la mode circulaire, en organisant des concours d’éco-conception et en faisant don de tissus en stock aux étudiants pour leurs projets de fin d’études. Manteco Academy a récemment été accepté parmi les soumissions de l’engagement de durabilité de la CEE-ONU.
Manteco® is also strongly engaged in the field of education with the Manteco Academy project, through which we partner with the world’s best fashion schools by giving lectures about circular fashion, arranging eco-design contests and donate deadstock fabrics to students for their final projects. Manteco Academy has recently been accepted among the UNECE’s Sustainability Pledge submissions.
Manteco will be exhibiting at Première Vision Paris, Hall 6 Stand B20, from July 4 to 6.