ReTraze, Real Recycled Traceable Material

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ReTraze Island Plastic: The Last Defense Against Marine Plastic

Unfortunately, many ocean plastic products on the market today lack traceability and transparency, often hidden behind certificates that obscure their true origins. This lack of verifiable sourcing undermines trust and hinders sustainability efforts.

In response, ReTraze rejects the dubious “Ocean Plastic” label, opting for a more responsible approach to reducing plastic pollution on China’s eastern and southern sea islands. By collaborating with small recyclers, independent collectors, local communities, fishermen, NGOs, and volunteers, ReTraze has established a vertically integrated supply chain backup by blockchain technology, which allows brands and consumers to understand the entire process of plastic waste recycling, cleaning, pellets production, and yarn spinning. This initiative aims to transform plastic waste into sustainable materials, achieve Zero Plastic Islands, and prevent more plastic waste from entering into the ocean.

ReTraze 3

ReTraze Aqua-: Mininize Water Use in Fabric Dyeing

Reyctex recycling

ReTraze Aqua- introduces an innovative solution with its dope-dyed yarns that dramatically reduce water usage across the fabric’s lifecycle. By transforming recycled plastic bottles into chips and infusing them with tracers and color masterbatches, this process ensures vibrant, consistent color with excellent color fastness (rated 4-5), which negates the need for additional dying and minimizes the risk of color migration.

By adopting ReTraze Aqua- yarns, we have seen more than a 60% reduction in water usage, a decrease of over 10% in chemical use, and a reduction of over 10% in greenhouse gas emissions.

Adaptable Production for Sustainable Fashion

ReTraze offers highly flexible production services to brands, capable of accommodating small order quantities—starting from as low as 200kg or less than 1000 meters per color. This approach helps to minimize overproduction, reduce waste, and enhance product diversity, aligning with modern sustainability goals in fashion.

Retraze Recyctex

Meet the team at PV Paris Hall 6
ReTraze / 6P2

To find out more:
Contact: Steven CHUENG

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