Special Report: No future without digital The - Première Vision Paris
Photo by Rodion Kutsaev on Unsplash
No future without digital
Digitization has been the most valuable resource for the entire industry in facing the pandemic, allowing companies to maintain a part of their business as well as their relationships with suppliers and consumers. Companies that were slow to embrace it have now been forced to do so. Other, more visionary companies have made the most of a transformation already underway. Here, some of Première Vision’s observations, along with a breakdown of the success of the Allbirds brand and the expert view of journalist Sophie Fontanel.
Digital is no longer optional
From today’s vantage point, the situation seems obvious. Digital technology now plays a key role throughout the industry, from the earliest interactions with suppliers to the new rules of e-commerce, which is growing more sophisticated by the day. And while digital is certainly a major asset in terms of fashion’s future, it demands not just technological agility but a message. Digital is a revolutionary tool whose potential is only just beginning to be grasped, but it calls for a powerful and singular vision. Building on this belief, Première Vision decided to take a look at two cases in which a vision has been perfectly implemented. The first, Allbirds, is a globally successful DNVB whose sports shoes are reinventing the genre and are perfectly in synch with consumers’ new desires. Our other example is journalist Sophie Fontanel, whose daily posts to her more than 250,000 Instagram followers express her unique way of looking at fashion and lifestyle, and are inspiring an ever-growing community. These two examples both illustrate our point in different ways, yet the message is the same: digital is no longer optional, but its richness can’t be fully exploited unless there is a true reason for being behind it. Lydia Bacrie for Première Vision
More from the Special Report: No future without digital:
Read our interview with writer and journalist Sophie Fontanel